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International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent non-governmental membership organization and the world's largest developer of voluntary international standards.

ISO was established in 1946. It currently has 163 member countries, which are the national standardization bodies from around the world, along with a Central Secretariat based in Geneva, Switzerland.

The goal of this organization is to develop international standards for products, services, and systems that ensure quality, safety, and efficiency. ISO facilitates international trade in goods/services and global cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic fields by bringing together experts from all over the world to develop International Standards.

Mexican Committee for ISO Affairs (CMISO)

The Mexican Committee for the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) Affairs is a branch of the General Directorate for Standards ( DGN ) established to respond to the work emerging from ISO in order to establish the national position on behalf of Mexico's interests.

This committee aims to establish agreed national positions within the Mirror Subcommittees formed in Mexico.
Interested parties in Mexico participate in the Committees, including all those groups that have an interest and wish to contribute to the standard development process.

The Mirror Subcommittees formed in Mexico must have balanced participation from the following sectors:

  • Public sector – Government agencies and entities of the federal public administration
  • National Standardization Bodies and Committees – Promote harmonization of standards
  • Private sector – Chambers, associations, any interested individuals
  • Academic sector – Schools, professional associations, higher education institutions
  • Consumer sector – Associations, groups, or individuals who are users


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